Before you begin shopping for your upcoming camping trip, it’s essential to look at all the ways you can save money, especially if you are on a tight budget. If you don’t already own a camper or motorhome, renting from Fractional Toys is an easy way to save money. Additionally, there are a variety of other simple things you can do to stick to your budget. Here, our experts will walk you through a few proven ways to save money on your trip.
One of the easiest ways to save money on a camping trip is to use the hardware from your kitchen and the rest of your house. There is no need to buy new dishes, pots, and silverware to be used only when you camp, especially if you are an infrequent camper. Instead, pack the kitchenware you already own. The first few times you camp, you can learn exactly what you do and do not need to bring with you, which allows you to pack more efficiently in the future.
A Note on Kitchenware Safety
It might be tempting to go to the cabinet and pack up the first plates you find, but motorhome rental adventures require a certain type of dinnerware for safety’s sake—and to avoid the cost of replacing them. When you’re driving a motorhome, any object that can rattle will; not only is this distracting for the driver, but it also means that breakable plates have a tendency to find the floor and shatter, potentially racking up replacement costs.
Instead of chancing it with your at-home dinnerware, use disposable models—or if you want to be environmentally friendly and cut down on stress, rent a kitchen kit from Fractional Toys. Said kit serves four and comes with a mixing bowl, hot pad, can opener, and more. It’s everything you need for your grand adventure!
If you are a new camper or simply looking for ways to save money, renting your gear instead of buying it full-out can save you loads. You’ll learn exactly what it is you need and what you can do without, all while cutting the guilt that comes with making expensive investments you might not even use.
Fractional Toys is proud to provide comprehensive recreational rental resources, from coffee makers to propane grills and more. Stop into our office and we’ll get you set up with some affordable fun!
Aside from gasoline, the most notable expense that tends to crop up is parking. You can’t just park a camper rental anywhere, especially overnight, and many spots charge if you want to stake out a spot. We cover this topic in our recreational equipment rental services blog, but for now, know this: though it can be expensive, trying to sneak around or cut corners when parking can be anything from inconsiderate to illegal, and if you’re looking to save on cash, you’d best avoid the potential fines.
The best way to save on parking is to carefully plan out where you’ll stop ahead of time. In fact, you can bargain-hunt before you even hit the road! Having a financial road map for your trip can help you avoid any surprises, as well as make sure that everything stays well within your means.
As for specifics, Do it Yourself RV, a publication that sniffs out the best in RV-related lifestyle products, recommends public campgrounds for an overnight space if you’re looking to save. We’d add rest stops for a quick break—just stay out of the truckers’ hair.
One of the most expensive parts of camping is carelessly spending money on food and drinks from gas stations or rest stops. To prevent yourself from spending unnecessary money on these things, you should carefully create a menu for your trip.
Buy everything you need beforehand, then plan what you will eat on designated days. You should also pack extra snacks and a little bit extra of everything, just in case. You don’t want to spend a ridiculous amount of money at gas stations, but you also don’t want to run out of food—few things are more stressful!
Fractional Toys: Five-Star Service, Thrilling Recreational Rentals
When you’re looking to save money and minimize stress on your camping trip, we’re your one-stop shop. By providing camper rentals and renting out all the extras, we make it possible for anyone, anywhere, to have a no-fuss blast of a vacation. To learn more about our service or to become a member, give our Oakdale location a call at 651-360-1667 or our Rogers office at 763-265-6891.